Director |
Director Office |
- |
director |
- |
Director Office |
Director Office |
2001 |
- |
director_iitpkd |
Director Office |
Director Office |
2002 |
- |
Dean Administration |
Administration |
2010 |
- |
deanadmn |
9497718122 |
Registrar |
Administration |
2012 |
- |
registrar |
9400060380 |
Registrar Office |
Administration |
2013 |
- |
ro |
9497718123 |
Assistant Registrar Administration |
Administration |
2015 |
- |
aradmn |
Admin Office |
Administration |
2016 |
- |
personnel |
Advisor Admin |
Administration |
2021 |
- |
unni |
9497718121 |
Dean Academics |
Academics |
2030 |
- |
deanacad |
9497718131 |
Associate Dean Academics UG |
Academics |
2031 |
- |
adug |
Associate Dean Academics PG |
Academics |
2032 |
- |
adpg |
Deputy Registrar Academics |
Academics |
2033 |
- |
dracad |
Assistant Registrar Academics |
Academics |
2034 |
- |
aracad |
- |
Academics Office 1 |
Academics |
2035 |
- |
academic |
Academics Office 2 |
Academics |
2036 |
- |
acadresearch |
Academics Office 3 Saraswati A01 |
Academics |
2037 |
- |
Academics Office 4 Agora |
Academics |
2038 |
- |
Assistant Registrar Accounts Section |
Finance & Accounts |
2051 |
- |
arfa |
9400060381 |
Finance & Accounts Office 1 |
Finance & Accounts |
2052 |
- |
accounts |
Finance & Accounts Office 2 |
Finance & Accounts |
2053 |
- |
Assistant Registrar Stores & Purchase Section |
Stores & Purchase Section |
2061 |
- |
arpurchase |
Stores & Purchase Office 1 |
Stores & Purchase Section |
2062 |
- |
purchase |
Stores & Purchase Office 2 |
Stores & Purchase Section |
2063 |
- |
purchase1 |
Dean ICSR |
2070 |
- |
deanicsr |
9497718125 |
Assistant Registrar ICSR |
2072 |
- |
aricsr |
ICSR Office |
2073 |
- |
icsr |
2075 |
- |
ilo |
Dean Student Affairs |
Students Section |
2080 |
- |
deanstudents |
9497718124 |
Joint Registrar |
Students Section |
2083 |
- |
jrstudents |
Advisor Students |
Students Section |
2084 |
- |
samuel |
9497718135 |
Chairman CCE |
2330 |
- |
chcce |
CCE Office |
2331 |
- |
cce |
Placement Officer |
Placement Cell/Career Development Cell |
2101 |
- |
tpo |
9497718137 |
Placement Office |
Placement Cell/Career Development Cell |
2102 |
- |
placements |
Faculty incharge International & Alumni Relations |
International & Alumni Relations |
2110 |
- |
fc_iar |
IAR Office |
International & Alumni Relations |
2111 |
- |
iar |
Media Cell |
Media Cell |
2121 |
- |
media |
9188952154 |
2131 |
- |
uba |
2132 |
- |
ceo@iptif.tech |
Chairman EWD |
2150 |
- |
chewd |
9497718134 |
EWD Office |
2153 |
- |
ewd |
Office of Executive Engineer (Civil) |
2154 |
- |
eecivil |
Office of Sr. Project Engineer (Civil) |
2155 |
- |
balac |
AC Plant Nila Campus |
- |
8301 |
- |
Office of Project Engineer (Electrical) |
2156 |
- |
ravindran |
Chairman CET |
2170 |
- |
chcet |
CET Section - Officer in Charge |
2171 |
- |
kvbiju |
9497718136 |
CET Office |
2172 |
- |
cet |
Nila Library |
Central Library |
2192 |
- |
librarian / library |
Sahyadri Library |
Central Library |
2193 |
- |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1010 |
- |
hodbse |
9188952142 |
Abdul Rasheed P |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1003 |
- |
abdulrasheed |
Jagadeesh Bayry |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1004 |
- |
bayry |
Prasanna Bhat |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1005 |
prasannabhat |
Prasun Kumar |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1006 |
- |
pk |
- |
V. G Sivakumar |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1007 |
- |
sivavg |
- |
BSE Labs |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1049 |
- |
Office BSE |
Biological Sciences and Engineering |
1011 |
- |
office_bse |
- |
Hod Chemistry |
Chemistry |
1050 |
- |
hodcy |
9188952143 |
Office Chemistry |
Chemistry |
1051 |
- |
office_cy |
Debarati Chatterjee |
Chemistry |
1052 |
- |
debarati |
Dinesh Jagadeesan |
Chemistry |
1053 |
- |
d.jagadeesan |
Mintu Porel |
Chemistry |
1054 |
- |
mintu |
Padmesh A |
Chemistry |
1055 |
- |
padmesh |
Rositha Kuniyil |
Chemistry |
1056 |
- |
rosithak |
Shanmugaraju Sankarasekaran |
Chemistry |
1057 |
- |
shanmugam |
Supratik Sen Mojumdar |
Chemistry |
1058 |
- |
supratik |
Sushabhan Sadhukhan |
Chemistry |
1059 |
- |
sushabhan |
Yugender Goud Kotagiri |
Chemistry |
1060 |
- |
yugenderkotagiri |
Yuvaraj K |
Chemistry |
1061 |
- |
yuvaraj |
Haridas V |
Chemistry |
1062 |
- |
haridasv |
- |
C S. Gopinath |
Chemistry |
1063 |
- |
csgopinath |
- |
Chemistry Lab |
Chemistry |
1099 |
8210 |
Hod CE |
Civil Engineering |
1100 |
- |
hodce |
9188952144 |
Office CE |
Civil Engineering |
1101 |
- |
office_ce |
Ankesh Kumar |
Civil Engineering |
1102 |
- |
ankesh |
Arun C O |
Civil Engineering |
1103 |
- |
arunco |
Athira Gopinath |
Civil Engineering |
1104 |
- |
athiragopinath |
Athira P |
Civil Engineering |
1105 |
- |
athira |
B. K. Bhavathrathan |
Civil Engineering |
1106 |
- |
bhavathrathan |
C. V. Veena Venudharan |
Civil Engineering |
1107 |
- |
veena |
Divya P. V. |
Civil Engineering |
1108 |
- |
divyapv |
Gokulnath C |
Civil Engineering |
1109 |
- |
gokul |
M. V. Anil Kumar |
Civil Engineering |
1110 |
- |
anil |
Madhu Karthik M. |
Civil Engineering |
1111 |
- |
madhu |
Praveena Gangadharan |
Civil Engineering |
1112 |
- |
praveenag |
Rakesh J Pillai |
Civil Engineering |
1113 |
- |
rakeshpilla |
Sanjukta Chakraborty |
Civil Engineering |
1114 |
- |
sanjukta |
Sarmistha Singh |
Civil Engineering |
1115 |
- |
sarmistha |
Senthilkumar. V |
Civil Engineering |
1116 |
- |
senthil |
Subhasis Mitra |
Civil Engineering |
1117 |
- |
smitra |
Sudheesh T. K. |
Civil Engineering |
1118 |
- |
sudheesh |
B Sridharan |
Civil Engineering |
1119 |
- |
sridhar |
Subrat Kumar Mallick |
Civil Engineering |
1120 |
- |
subrat |
Nedunuri Sai Surya Sree Aparna |
Civil Engineering |
1121 |
- |
naparna |
- |
Civil Labs |
Civil Engineering |
1149 |
- |
Structures lab |
Civil Engineering |
1149 Ext 1 |
8030 |
GeoTechnicalLab |
Civil Engineering |
1149 Ext 2 |
8031 |
Environmental Lab |
Civil Engineering |
1149 Ext 3 |
8032 |
Hod CSE |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1150 |
- |
hodcs |
9188952145 |
Office CSE |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1151 |
- |
office_cs |
Albert Sunny |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1152 |
- |
albert |
Anish Hirwe |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1153 |
- |
anish |
Deepak Rajendraprasad |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1154 |
- |
deepak |
Jasine Babu |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1155 |
- |
jasine |
Krishnamoorthy Dinesh |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1156 |
- |
kdinesh |
Krithika Ramaswamy |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1157 |
- |
krithika |
Piyush P. Kurur |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1158 |
- |
ppk |
Pratik Ghosal |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1159 |
- |
pratik |
Sandeep Chandran |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1160 |
- |
sandeepchandran |
Srimanta Bhattacharya |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1161 |
- |
srimanta |
Unnikrishnan Cheramangalath |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1162 |
- |
unnikrishnan |
Vivek Chaturvedi |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1163 |
- |
vivek |
Dr. Avirup Mandal |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1164 |
- |
avirupmandal |
CSE Labs |
Computer Science and Engineering |
1199 |
- |
Computer Science project lab |
Computer Science and Engineering |
- |
8090 |
Hod DS |
Data Science |
1200 |
- |
hodds |
9188952146 |
Office DS |
Data Science |
1201 |
- |
office_ds |
Koninika Pal |
Data Science |
1202 |
- |
kpal |
Mrinal Kanti Das |
Data Science |
1203 |
- |
mrinal |
Narayanan (CK) C Krishnan |
Data Science |
1204 |
- |
ckn |
Nikhil Krishnan M |
Data Science |
1205 |
- |
nikhil |
Sahely Bhadra |
Data Science |
1206 |
- |
sahely |
Satyajit Das |
Data Science |
1207 |
- |
satyajitdas |
Swapnil Vishveshwar Hingmire |
Data Science |
1208 |
- |
swapnilh |
Garima Shakya |
Data Science |
1209 |
- |
garima |
- |
Sahasranand K R |
Data Science |
1210 |
- |
sahasranand |
- |
Deepak Jaiswal |
Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Engineering Centre |
1302 |
- |
dj |
Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Engineering Centre |
- |
8710 |
- |
Hod EE |
Electrical Engineering |
1250 |
- |
hodee |
9188952147 |
Office EE |
Electrical Engineering |
1251 |
- |
office_ee |
Anirudh Guha |
Electrical Engineering |
1252 |
- |
aguha |
Arun Rahul S |
Electrical Engineering |
1253 |
- |
earunrahul |
Arvind Ajoy |
Electrical Engineering |
1254 |
- |
arvindajoy |
Jobin Francis |
Electrical Engineering |
1255 |
- |
jobinfrancis |
M. Sabarimalai Manikandan |
Electrical Engineering |
1256 |
- |
msm |
Manas Kumar Jena |
Electrical Engineering |
1257 |
- |
mkj |
Naga Brahmendra Yadav Gorla |
Electrical Engineering |
1258 |
- |
nagabrahmendra.g |
Revathy Padmanabhan |
Electrical Engineering |
1259 |
- |
revathyp |
Shaikshavali Chitraganti |
Electrical Engineering |
1260 |
- |
shaik |
Sneha Gajbhiye |
Electrical Engineering |
1261 |
- |
snehagajbhiye |
Sreenath Vijayakumar |
Electrical Engineering |
1262 |
- |
sreenath |
Subrahmanyam Mula |
Electrical Engineering |
1263 |
- |
svmula |
Sukomal Dey |
Electrical Engineering |
1264 |
- |
sdey28 |
Swaroop Sahoo |
Electrical Engineering |
1265 |
- |
swaroop |
Vijay Muralidharan |
Electrical Engineering |
1266 |
- |
vijay |
EE Labs |
Electrical Engineering |
1299 |
- |
Electronics Lab |
Electrical Engineering |
1299 Ext 1 |
8120 |
Microwave Lab |
Electrical Engineering |
1299 Ext 2 |
8121 |
Electrical machines and power system lab |
Electrical Engineering |
1299 Ext 3 |
8122 |
Control System Lab |
Electrical Engineering |
1299 Ext 4 |
8123 |
Robotics Lab |
Electrical Engineering |
1299 Ext 5 |
8124 |
Electronics Lab C6 Block |
Electrical Engineering |
1299 Ext 6 |
8125 |
Anoop Thomas |
Electrical Engineering |
1267 |
- |
anoopthomas |
- |
Hod HSS |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1350 |
- |
hodhss |
9188952149 |
Office HSS |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1351 |
- |
office_hss |
Amrita Roy |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1352 |
- |
amritaroy |
Anoop George |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1353 |
- |
anoop |
G Sujatha |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1354 |
- |
sujatha |
Rahul Choragudi |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1355 |
- |
rahulchoragudi |
Reenu Punnoose |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1356 |
- |
reenu |
Sudarshan R Kottai |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1357 |
- |
sudarshan |
Dr. Biswajit Sarmah |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1358 |
- |
biswajit |
Dr. Manav Khaire |
Humanties and Socail Science |
1359 |
- |
manav |
Hod Maths |
Mathematics |
1400 |
- |
hodma |
9188952150 |
Office Maths |
Mathematics |
1401 |
- |
office_ma |
Arpan Kabiraj |
Mathematics |
1402 |
- |
arpaninto |
C. R. Jayanarayanan |
Mathematics |
1403 |
- |
crjayan |
G.P. Balakumar |
Mathematics |
1404 |
- |
gpbalakumar |
Gopikrishnan Chirappurathu Remesan |
Mathematics |
1405 |
- |
gopikrishnan |
Jaikrishnan Janardhanan |
Mathematics |
1406 |
- |
jaikrishnan |
Lakshmi Sankar K |
Mathematics |
1407 |
- |
lakshmi |
M. Ashok Kumar |
Mathematics |
1408 |
- |
ashokm |
Parangama Sarkar |
Mathematics |
1409 |
- |
parangama |
Rohith Varma |
Mathematics |
1410 |
- |
rvarma |
Sarath Sasi |
Mathematics |
1411 |
- |
sarath |
Varadharajan Muruganandam |
Mathematics |
1412 |
- |
vmuruganandam |
Srijan Sarkar |
Mathematics |
1413 |
- |
srijans |
HOD Mechanical Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
1450 |
- |
hodme |
9188952151 |
Office Mechanical Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
1451 |
- |
office_me |
A. Seshadri Sekhar |
Mechanical Engineering |
1452 |
- |
as_sekhar |
Afzaal Ahmed |
Mechanical Engineering |
1453 |
- |
afzaal |
Anand T. N. C. |
Mechanical Engineering |
1454 |
- |
anand |
Anoop Akkoorath Mana |
Mechanical Engineering |
1455 |
- |
akkoorath |
Arijit Hazra |
Mechanical Engineering |
1456 |
- |
ahazra |
Buchibabu Vicharapu |
Mechanical Engineering |
1457 |
- |
buchibabu |
Chakradhar Dupadu |
Mechanical Engineering |
1458 |
- |
chakradhar |
Dinesh Setti |
Mechanical Engineering |
1459 |
- |
dinesh |
Ganesh Natarajan |
Mechanical Engineering |
1460 |
- |
n.ganesh |
Kesavan D |
Mechanical Engineering |
1461 |
- |
kesavan |
Krishna Sesha Giri |
Mechanical Engineering |
1462 |
- |
krishna.s |
KVN Surendra |
Mechanical Engineering |
1463 |
- |
kvns |
Nelson Muthu |
Mechanical Engineering |
1464 |
- |
nelsonm |
Pramod Kuntikana |
Mechanical Engineering |
1465 |
- |
pramodkuntikana |
S. Kanmani Subbu |
Mechanical Engineering |
1466 |
- |
sksubbu |
Samarjeet Chanda |
Mechanical Engineering |
1467 |
- |
samarjeet |
Santhakumar Mohan |
Mechanical Engineering |
1468 |
- |
santhakumar |
Sovan Lal Das |
Mechanical Engineering |
1469 |
- |
sovan |
T Sundararajan |
Mechanical Engineering |
1470 |
tsundar |
Vineed Narayanan |
Mechanical Engineering |
1471 |
- |
vineed |
Mayank Tiwari |
Mechanical Engineering |
1472 |
- |
mayank |
Soumya Mukherjee |
Mechanical Engineering |
1473 |
- |
s.mukherjee |
Mechanical Engineering Labs |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 |
- |
Design and Manufacturing Laboratory |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 Ext 1 |
8150 |
me-dm |
Fatgue Testing laboratory |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 Ext 2 |
8151 |
Thermo-Fluid Lab |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 Ext 3 |
8152 |
me-tf |
Welding-MPS-FIST Lab |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 Ext 4 |
8153 |
AM Lab |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 Ext 5 |
8154 |
Central Workshop |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 Ext 6 |
8155 |
cws |
Central Workshop (fluid mechanics area) |
Mechanical Engineering |
1499 Ext 7 |
8156 |
Sagi Rathna Prasad |
Mechanical Engineering |
1474 |
- |
sagi |
- |
Chaitanya P |
Mechanical Engineering |
1475 |
- |
c.paramatmuni |
- |
Hod Physics |
Physics |
1500 |
- |
hodph |
9188952152 |
Office Physics |
Physics |
1501 |
- |
office_ph |
Akshay Bhatnagar |
Physics |
1502 |
- |
akshayb |
Amit Kumar Pal |
Physics |
1503 |
- |
amit |
Bibhu Ranjan Sarangi |
Physics |
1505 |
- |
bibhu |
C Vijayan |
Physics |
1506 |
- |
cvijayan |
Jayakumar Balakrishnan |
Physics |
1507 |
- |
jayakumar |
Kusum Dhochak |
Physics |
1508 |
- |
kdhochak |
Manoj Gopalakrishnan |
Physics |
1509 |
- |
manojgopal |
Moumita Nandi |
Physics |
1511 |
- |
moumita |
Prithvi Narayan P |
Physics |
1512 |
- |
prithvi |
Projjwal Banerjee |
Physics |
1513 |
- |
projjwal |
Soham Manni |
Physics |
1514 |
- |
smanni |
Uma Divakaran |
Physics |
1515 |
- |
uma |
Vishwas V |
Physics |
1516 |
- |
vishwas |
Ajeesh M. Omanakuttan |
Physics |
1517 |
- |
ajeesh |
- |
Phys Lab |
Physics |
1549 |
- |
BTech Physics lab |
Physics |
1549 Ext 1 |
8240 |
MSc Physics lab |
Physics |
1549 Ext 2 |
8241 |
Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) |
Central Instrumentation Facility |
2252 |
- |
CIF Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Block |
Central Instrumentation Facility |
2252 Ext 1 |
8180 |
cif-admin |
CIF Samgatha |
Central Instrumentation Facility |
2252 Ext 2 |
8181 |
cif-admin |
Central micro nano Fabrication Facility (CMFF) Manogatha |
Central Instrumentation Facility |
2252 Ext 3 |
8182 |
cif-cmff |
Csquare Innovation Centre (Office) |
Csquare Innovation Centre |
2241 |
- |
Labs Innovation Lab |
Csquare Innovation Centre |
2242 |
- |
GSCOE C06 lab |
Global Sanitation Centre of Excellence |
- |
8690 |
- |
GSCOE Wet lab |
Global Sanitation Centre of Excellence |
- |
8691 |
- |
Medical Officer |
Institute Clinic |
2270 |
- |
mo |
9400500832 |
Institute Clinic |
Institute Clinic |
2271 |
- |
- |
Wellness Hub |
Wellness Hub |
mitra |
Clinical Psychologist 1 |
Wellness Hub |
2290 |
- |
counsellordrtessy |
9188404095 |
Clinical Psychologist 2 |
Wellness Hub |
2291 |
- |
arya |
9188404096 |
Clinical Psychologist 3 |
Wellness Hub |
2292 |
- |
counsellor3 |
9188404097 |
Office of Security Officer |
Fire & Security |
2231 |
- |
security |
Security post - Buildings |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
- |
Nila Security Gate |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8400 |
Samgatha |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8401 |
Manogatha |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8402 |
Tilang A Block |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8403 |
Brindhavani |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8404 |
Saraswathi Block |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8405 |
Dr. APJ Kalam Block |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8406 |
Saveri Hostel |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8407 |
Malhar Hostel |
Fire & Security |
2232 |
8408 |
Guest House Manager |
Guest House |
2301 |
- |
ghm |
Hamsanandi Guest House Kitchen |
Guest House |
2302 |
- |
Hamsanandi Room B01 |
Guest House |
- |
8505 |
Hamsanandi Room B02 |
Guest House |
- |
8506 |
Hamsanandi Room B03 |
Guest House |
- |
8507 |
Hamsanandi Room B04 |
Guest House |
- |
8508 |
Hamsanandi Room C01 |
Guest House |
- |
8509 |
Hamsanandi Room C02 |
Guest House |
- |
8510 |
Hamsanandi Room C03 |
Guest House |
- |
8511 |
Hamsanandi Room C04 |
Guest House |
- |
8512 |
Hamsanandi Room D01 |
Guest House |
- |
8513 |
Hamsanandi Room D02 |
Guest House |
- |
8514 |
Hamsanandi Room D03 |
Guest House |
- |
8515 |
Hamsanandi Room D04 |
Guest House |
- |
8516 |
Hostel Office |
Hostel |
2203 |
- |
hostelmanager |
9497718127 |
Saveri Hostel Office |
Hostel |
2203 Ext 1 |
8270 |
Malhar boys Hostel Office |
Hostel |
2203 Ext 2 |
8272 |
Malhar Girls Hostel Office |
Hostel |
2203 Ext 3 |
8273 |
Nila boys Hostel Office |
Hostel |
2203 Ext 4 |
8274 |
Nila Girls Hostel Office |
Hostel |
2203 Ext 5 |
8275 |
Tilang A Warden |
Hostel |
- |
- |
9188523801 |
Tilang B, Bageshri & Brindavani Warden |
Hostel |
- |
- |
9497718132 |
Malhar Warden |
Hostel |
- |
- |
9497718126 |
Saveri Warden |
Hostel |
- |
- |
9497718133 |
PCBL Lab |
2134 |
8630 |
- |
SATCARD Office |
2133 |
- |
- |
Bageshri 201 |
Guest House |
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8521 |
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Bageshri 202 |
Guest House |
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8522 |
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Bageshri 203 |
Guest House |
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8523 |
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Bageshri 204 |
Guest House |
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8524 |
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Bageshri 205 |
Guest House |
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8525 |
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Bageshri 206 |
Guest House |
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8526 |
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Bageshri 302 |
Guest House |
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8527 |
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Bageshri 303 |
Guest House |
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8528 |
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Bageshri 305 |
Guest House |
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8529 |
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Bageshri 306 |
Guest House |
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8530 |
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Bageshri 307 |
Guest House |
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8531 |
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Educational Outreach Officer |
Outreach |
2135 |
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eduoutreach |
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MSP Lab - CIF |
Central Instrumentation Facility |
2252 Ext 4 |
8183 |
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Debabrata Dhara |
Chemistry |
1064 |
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debabratadhara |
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Subhankar Dey |
Mathematics |
1415 |
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subhankardey |
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Birenjith P S |
Electrical Engineering |
1268 |
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biren |
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Attoti Bharath Krishna |
Electrical Engineering |
1269 |
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bharath_attoti |
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Kali Prasad |
Mechanical Engineering |
1476 |
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kaliprasad |
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CIF Lab Sangraha |
Central Instrumentation Facility |
2252 Ext 5 |
8184 |
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