EBSB - Webnar on Kerala and Himachal Pradesh
EBSB is going to hold an event on 24.12.2021 as part of the Himachal-Kerala cultural exchange programme. A webinar focused on various unique aspects
of both the states Kerala and Himachal Pradesh respectively like
- Tourism
- Food
- Culture
- Dance forms
- Language
- Wildlife etc...
The meeting details are given below:
Mode: Zoom(https://zoom.us/j/4520863610?pwd=TmxTYVk1SGdQN1hCZUIreWZCUmxlQT09).
Date: 24.12.2021
Timings: 2:00 PM
The EBSB club of the institute invites you to attend the webinar as it’ll be an opportunity to learn more about the two states.