FRESHERS’ LEAGUE - A Workshop and Mock Pitch for Student Participants
TECHIN is conducting a workshop cum mock pitching event in October 2021, from 02.10.2021 to 24.10.2021, encompassing Interactive business aspects. This event is in collaboration with ELACSTA, IEDC, IIC all of NSS college, Palakkad and Finance Club of IIT Palakkad. You can come for the workshop with an Idea or at least your interest in becoming an Entrepreneur. The Interactive Workshop will consist of Ideation, Business workshops to help the participants understand the basics of customer discovery, customer segments and value proposition. Overview of Business model canvas and market will be given. There will be mock pitch and Prizes for the selected teams.
Last date of application: 28.09.2021 before 4:00 PM
More details and guidelines available here