Spatial coupling of Ca2+ entry to Synaptic vesicles required for ultrafast synaptic transmission is not unique to presynaptic CaV2.1 channels
Seminar will be at 301, Samgatha, Nila campus
The central nervous system (CNS) processes information through single units called neurons. The neurons communicate at a specialized region, synapses between them by releasing chemical messages or neurotransmitters (NTs). At synapses, NTs are stored as pockets called synaptic vesicles (SVs). Upon arrival of information, the voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs, that conduct Ca2+ inside neuron) at the synapse open. The rapid change in Ca2+ ion concentration inside the neuron is sensed by SVs and they release NTs, and this entire process is called synaptic transmission. The precise synaptic transmission is governed by VGCCs. In mammalian CNS synapses, there is family of VGCCs, among them CaV2.1, CaV2.2 and CaV2.3 are highly expressed with CaV2.1 being the most efficient. In addition, the efficiency of synaptic transmission relies on the position of VGCCs to SVs at the synapse. At many CNS synapses, ultrafast synaptic transmission is CaV2.1 exclusive with channels tightly placed near SVs. Hence, the current paradigm is that ultrafast synaptic transmission is dependent on CaV2.1 and not any other CaV2 subtypes. However, it is still unknown if this property is intrinsic to CaV2.1. Therefore, to test we conditionally knocked out (CKO) CaV2.1 or both CaV2.1/2.2 using either CaV2.1fl/fl mouse or our novel mouse model, CaV2.1fl/fl/2.2fl/fl at calyx of held (calyx), an ultrafast auditory brainstem synapse important in sound localization. We observed a partial compensation of calcium current (ICa) in both CaV2.1 and CaV2.1/2.2 CKO calyces that highly impacted SV release without altering synapse ultrastructure. More importantly our data indicated that the compensated channels, predominantly CaV2.2 in CaV2.1 CKO calyces can still maintain the ultrafast synaptic transmission. The reduction in the SV release could be simply due to reduced ICa and CaV2.2 biophysical properties. Thus, we propose that the fast SV release is not exclusive to CaV2.1 channels.