- Phd Supervisor
Additional Information
TitleAdditional InformationDescription
PhD scholar in Mechanical Engineering
Specialization in Manufacturing Engineering
2018 July Batch
TitleResearch PublicationsDescription-
Boban, J. and Ahmed, A., 2021. Improving the surface integrity and mechanical properties of additive manufactured stainless steel components by wire electrical discharge polishing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 291, p.117013.
Boban, J., Ahmed, A., 2022. Electric discharge assisted post-processing performance of high strength-to-weight ratio alloys fabricated using metal additive manufacturing. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 39, 159-174.
Boban, J., Ahmed, A., Jithinraj, E.K., Rahman, M.A. and Rahman, M., 2022. Polishing of additive manufactured metallic components: retrospect on existing methods and future prospects. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121, 83-125.
Boban, J., Ahmed, A., Assam, A., 2021. Effect of recirculation zone on debris evacuation during EDM deep hole drilling. Procedia CIRP, 102(C), pp.394-399
Boban, J., Ahmed, A., Rahman, M.A. and Rahman, M., 2020. Wire electrical discharge polishing of additive manufactured metallic components. Procedia CIRP, 87, pp.321-326.